Astra Landmarks Jigsaw is a fantastic jigsaw puzzle developed by Lena Pankratova. It features the most interesting historic buildings, monuments, and landscapes of the world in high quality pictures for you to complete and have a great time doing so.
The full version of this puzzle includes about 100 photographs and the chance of easily downloading new ones from the developer's website.
You can select the difficulty level according to your taste and expertise, the easiest game consists of thirty pieces while the hardest of 1452. If you want to increase its difficulty, you can change the pieces shape among four types, including one, called Figure, with the pieces in form of animals and objects.
The interface is very intuitive and user-friendly, the game options are really well-organized and you can easily access then through a tool bar or menu. In case you are playing with lots of pieces, there are four pockets or small windows for you to organise them better. Besides, the game can be played in windowed or full screen mode, being the latter the best option when you play larger puzzles.
Astra Jigsaw Landmarks is straightforward, entertaining, original, and with lots of options for you to fully enjoy it. You can play it for ages. This game should definitely be in your jigsaw puzzle collection.
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